Perfect product images for eBay and Amazon: 9 tips for advanced users

The image should be of high quality, well lit, on a white background that does not distract our attention. This you probably already know.

However, these are the basics without which you have no business trying your hand at eBay or Amazon.

But if you’ve already done your homework, you can learn more secrets to perfect product images for eBay and Amazon.

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New Eselt feature – add photos to eBay-templates straight from your smartphone!

On Eselt you have the option to add images to eBay-templates. Marketplaces such as eBay recommend that high quality images be added to listings. This makes sense as it allows customers to get to know the product well and make an aware decision.

Until recently, taking the right photos involved having a good camera, knowing how to use it and preferably some additional lighting etc.

Continue reading “New Eselt feature – add photos to eBay-templates straight from your smartphone!”