The exact way Amazon’s algorithm works is not known. However, what is certain is that it takes keywords included in bullet points into account when selecting products to display in search results.
Therefore, you should add them to the bullet points, but in such a way as not to overdo it.
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Tip #7 Add keywords (in moderation)
Once you have written compelling and clear bullet points you can see whether to add keywords to them.
In this case, more is not better.
Don’t stuff in as many keywords as possible. Stuffing keywords in the title and bullet points is already passé.
It reduces the clarity of the text, negatively affects the ease of understanding and discourages reading, because who likes to read SEO texts?
Additionally, it does not build a positive and authentic image of the product and the seller. The customer may then perceive you as a salesperson who wants to sell the product with clever tricks rather than help solve the customer’s problem.
Therefore, use only the most important keywords and only in legitimate places where they fit. 1 or a maximum of 2 relevant keywords per bullet point will suffice.
Do not repeat them, do not use very similar synonyms. Choose only the strongest, most meaningful ones.
All the rest of the keywords can be added in the product description and backend keywords.
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