Is it really worth it to do experiments on Amazon?

For brand owners included in Amazon’s brand register, there is an experiment function available. But is it worth it to do experiments on Amazon?

With this function you can compare two versions of listings that differ in title, main image or A+ content.

Based on the results, you can determine which version is more appealing to customers, which gives better sales results.

But are these results reliable? Does it make sense to take the time to do the tests?

Read on or watch our video!

Advantage #1

Of course you can do the tests yourself. You don’t have to rely on the tools provided by Amazon.

First you measure the effectiveness of the listing over a period of time, then you change the title, image or A+ content, again wait a few weeks and compare the results. Simple.

However, this method has one major drawback. It does not rule out periodic fluctuations in sales – customers’ willingness to buy in July-August may not be the same as in September-October.

The advantage of Amazon’s tool is that it displays version A or B alternately during the same survey period. At the end of the experiment, 50% of respondents in July-August saw version B and 50% of respondents saw version A during the same period.

This makes the results more reliable.

Advantage #2

Only registered users are considered in Amazon’s experiments.

This is because Amazon wants to make sure that it always displays the same version of the listing to the user. If a user draws version A of a listing, then regardless of the device and other factors, he or she will always already see version A. Amazon can only be so sure if the user is registered.

This approach also increases the reliability of the results.

Advantage #3

At the end of the experiment, you get a summary of the results, in which the most important indicators are summarised.

This makes it easy for you to make a decision and you do not have to spend time manually tabulating the results.


Of course, experiments are not a perfect function without disadvantages.

The biggest of these is the inability to test problematic ASINs with low traffic.

And these are, after all, the ones that would benefit most from improving their title, image or A+ content so that they attract more customers.

However, this is because such listings provide too little data for the test results to be taken seriously.

The experiments feature on Amazon, although not ideal, is undoubtedly useful for sellers on Amazon. It is worth using to improve listings.

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