Benefits instead of features – tip for successful bullet points on Amazon

Why is using benefits instead of product features so important?

Because it helps the customer imagine how they use the product, what needs it meets.

This helps convince him or her to buy.

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Tip #2 Persuade with benefits instead of features

You as the seller know the product best, all its features, but it is the buyer who knows best what benefits he or she expects from it.

Therefore, do not exhaustively describe the features and parameters of the product which seem to you to be the most important.

Talk about the benefits that matter most to the customers.

Write about the need the product satisfies, the problem it solves.

This will help them understand how your product will make their life easier

But how to find these key benefits?

The process can go like this.

  1. List all the important features of the product.
  1. Try to come up with 5 benefits for each feature.
  1. If it’s a new product, look what features and benefits are emphasised by the bestsellers in your category. Also see which features and benefits are highlighted most often in the reviews and FAQ section of these bestsellers.
  1. If your product already has user reviews and FAQs, see what benefits are most frequently highlighted by your customers.
  1. Make a list of all benefits
  1. Make a note of the frequency with which each feature/benefit appears 
  1. Based on this, select the most important, most frequent ones.


Give the 2 most popular ones at the very beginning, because in the mobile view, for most offers only the first 2 are displayed, and the others after clicking “see more”.

It can be helpful to imagine that the bullet points are actually ready answers to the most frequently asked questions, or a short presentation of the most frequently raised advantages in the reviews.

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